Church Giving

Why Give ?

The Scriptures say that God's people should give because;

1. Giving is a grateful response to the generosity of God, shown in the death of his Son. (2 Corinthians 8-9)
2. We are partners in the gospel. (Philippians 1:3-7)
3. We have an obligation to provide for those who labour amongst us in the Lord and teach us God’s word.
     (1 Corinthians 9, 1 Timothy 5:17-18)
4. We also have an obligation to provide for the needy. Jesus said: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’. (Matthew 22:39,      Galatians 6:10, James 2)

The Principle of Giving

In the Old Testament, God’s people were commanded to give a tenth (‘tithe’) of all their produce to God in joyful response to his generosity.

The New Testament doesn’t stipulate percentages, but challenges us with the principles of generosity, partnership, obligation and love. As New Testament believers we are still to give back to God in response to his generous blessings to us (Phil. 4:18).

So how much should we give? The more fundamental question to ponder is this: How much have we received from God? We have received God’s ultimate generosity to us in the death of his Son, who,

"though he was rich, yet for our sake became poor, so that through his poverty, we might become rich" (2 Cor. 8:9).

If we truly understand this gospel we will give back cheerfully, generously, and with thanksgiving.
If you are unsure about how much you should give, pick up a copy of the 'Guidelines To Giving' booklet available at the back of our church buildings.

How to Give

There are several ways you can give to the work of Helensburgh and Stanwell Park Anglican Church:

We recommend setting up an electronic transfer (EFT) with your bank to help you give regularly and faithfully:

Account Name: Helensburgh and Stanwell Park Anglican Church
BSB: 062-164
Account: 1055-8739
Description: "Giving" (or "Mission" to contribute to our mission partners)  

If you are setting up EFT payments be sure not to just 'set and forget' but review your giving each year or more often.
It's a great idea to set a notification for when your tithe goes out from your account and by this be prompted to pray that your contribution will build the kingdom of God.

Cash can be placed in the giving box on the wall at the back of church during Sunday services or forwarded to the church office at any time. Please put any cash in an envelope with a description of how you want your funds to be used. Eg Offertory, Mission.

You can make a lasting contribution to the work of the gospel by leaving a bequest in your will.
Please contact a Warden for advice if you are considering this option.

More Information

If you would like more information regarding church giving, please contact one of the ministers or Warden Matt Alder. For more information on the financial administration of Helensburgh and Stanwell Park Anglican Church, please contact the church office or the Wardens.